Monday 11 March 2013

Don’t Let Fear Hold You Back from Filing a Medical Negligence Case

A wise man said, “One cannot refuse to eat just because there is a chance of being choked.” This means that fear should not be a barrier to anything; whether it is to live, to love, to be happy, or in this case, to eat.

While it is understandable that fear can emotionally paralyze victims of medical negligence in to doing nothing, the consequences of not lifting a finger are too big to ignore in a logical sense.

The first is that by not claiming compensation for medical negligence, you allow the erring doctor to continue practicing. And everyday he is out mistreating patients, more people end up hurt by his actions.

The second is that by not filing a case for medical negligence, you will not be able to provide for your family. If you happen to be incapacitated due to an injury and can not come in to work, then there is no way you can pay for food, school, and even regular bills like rental and mortgage.

The third is that by not claiming compensation, you will not be able to pay for the huge medical bills needed for you to recover. While an injury such as broken back may be on the extreme side, something like facial burns can be just as expensive and complicated to cure.

With so much at risk, being afraid to act on medical negligence claims has far-reaching implications. It is not just about you anymore; it now about your family and other victims who may be spared by your act of courage.

So if you find yourself in a position where fear paralyzes you, take a moment to stop and think. Think about justice; think about your family; and think about the other people an act of courage can save. And from this, you will realise that the only thing to fear is fear itself.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, thank you very much for help. I am going to test that in the near future. Cheers

    Negligence Claims - Easy Claim
